BLUER Ocean Project 2023- CrowdFunding

BLUER Ocean Project 2023

By : BLUER Team
Created on: 04 Jan, 2022
Rs 733,370 Raised
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Rs 500.00
A nubbin of coral will be settled, leading to a colony of its own specie // Une bouture de corail sera fixée sur une structure et deviendra une colonie de son espèce....Read more
Est. Delivery : 31/03/2022
Rs 5,000.00
Several coral nubbins will be placed on a frame corresponding to 1m2 of surface // Plusieurs boutures de coraux seront fixées sur une structure correspondant à 1m2 de surface....Read more
Est. Delivery : 31/03/2022
Rs 22,000.00
One frame of 5m2 of surface with 70 to 95 coral nubbins // Une structure de 5m2 de surface avec entre 70 et 95 boutures de corail attachées dessus. ...Read more
Est. Delivery : 31/03/2022
Rs 200,000.00
10 frames corresponding to 50m2 of surface covered with coral nubbins // 10 structures correspondant à 50m2 de surface couvertes de boutures de corail....Read more
Est. Delivery : 31/03/2022


Bluer Ocean Project  après un an et demi d’existence propose pour cette année 2023 de continuer son effort de propagation corallienne et de sensibilisation à l’environnement marin. 

À ce jour 51 frames et plus de 3600 boutures ont été transplantées grâce à 44 donateurs et sponsors et 6 partenaires techniques, 4 jeunes ont également été formé à la plongée sous marine  et à la mission pour renforcer l’équipe. 

Couzoupa un site protégé dans le lagon sud de Rodrigues subi une pression anthropique conséquente par son utilisation pour le snorkelling (palmes masque tuba) par un nombre croissant d’opérateurs. Bluer Ocean Project propose pour diminuer la pression sur ce site de recréer grâce à la propagation corallienne un nouveau site d’intérêt pour la randonné et la découverte aquatique. 

Bluer Ocean Project a également l’intention d’intensifier son action de restoration corallienne sur un site de plongée sous marine du nord de l’ile afin augmenter la concentration de biodiversité associée au déploiement de nos nurserie (frames).

En parallèle Bluer Ocean Project continuera de former des jeunes à la plongée sous marine et la restoration corallienne afin de faire perdurer notre action et, on l’espère, créer des vocations.

Comme par le passé vous pouvez nous aider en faisant des donation ou en adoptant des coraux.

N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site internet et à nous suivre sur Instagram et facebook bluer_ocean_project.


Bluer Ocean Project, after a year and a half of existence, proposes for 2023 to continue its effort of coral propagation and awareness on the marine environment. 

To date 51 frames and more than 3600 nubbins have been transplanted thanks to 44 donors and sponsors and 6 technical partners, 4 young people have also been trained in scuba diving to carry on with our mission and strengthen the team.

Couzoupa, a protected site in the southern lagoon of Rodrigues, is under significant anthropogenic pressure due to its use for snorkelling by a growing number of operators. Bluer Ocean Project proposes to reduce the pressure on this site by creating, using coral propagation, a new site of interest for aquatic discovery.

Bluer Ocean Project also intends to intensify its coral restoration action on a scuba diving site in the north of the island in order to increase the biodiversity concentration associated with our nurseries (frames) deployment.

At the same time, Bluer Ocean Project will continue to train young people in scuba diving and coral restoration in order to sustain our action and, we hope, create vocations.

As in the past you can help us by making donations or by adopting corals.

Feel free to visit our website and to follow us on Instagram and Facebook bluer_ocean_project.


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  1. VADF
    Pour la famille Acou de Froberville

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. DH
    for/ from John Glett

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    Posted on

  3. MP
    Bravo, une superbe initiative ! Si vous avez besoin de plongeurs, je me porte volontaire

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    Posted on

  4. VDR
    Hello Jerome and Marine,

    We have taken a bit of time before coming back to you. Here is a donation of Rs22,000 from Brabant and all its customers to support the replantation of corals in Rodrigues and later maybe around the world.

    We will try to make a campaign about our implication in this project through our social media pages and share the word as much as possible to sensibilise to coral bleaching and to support your project.

    We hope it will have a positive impact on individuals and on bigger companies, I know that already after speaking to Mourouk management that they are thinking of also giving a little percentage to your project through their booking.

    On another trip to Rodrigues, we would love to participate to some of your operations on the frames and all...

    See you soon,


    Comment by

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  5. JG
    Frame pour l'anniversaire a Claudine - 08.Aout

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    Posted on

  • Trini Testi

    MUR 500 Donation
    11 Sep, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    22 Dec, 2023
  • Venitia Acou de Froberville

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    13 Dec, 2023
  • David Heine

    EUR 70 Donation
    02 Dec, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    24 Nov, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Oct, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Sep, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    26 Aug, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Jul, 2023
  • Serge Declemy

    MUR 50,000 Donation
    18 Jul, 2023
  • Karen Pang

    MUR 500 Donation
    19 Jul, 2023
  • Melissa Pierre

    MUR 500 Donation
    18 Jul, 2023
  • Vincent De Robillard

    MUR 22,000 Donation
    18 Jul, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    23 Jun, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    27 May, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Apr, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Mar, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Feb, 2023
  • Fabrice Boulle

    MUR 22,000 Donation
    13 Feb, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    27 Jan, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    23 Dec, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    30 Nov, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Oct, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    30 Sep, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Aug, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Jul, 2022
  • John Glett

    MUR 22,000 Donation
    25 Jul, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    24 Jun, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 May, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    26 Apr, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    02 Apr, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    01 Mar, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 7,500 Donation
    31 Jan, 2022
  • Anonymous

    MUR 25,000 Donation
    25 Jan, 2022



Bluer Ocean Project  après un an et demi d’existence propose pour cette année 2023 de continuer son effort de propagation corallienne et de sensibilisation à l’environnement marin. 

À ce jour 51 frames et plus de 3600 boutures ont été transplantées grâce à 44 donateurs et sponsors et 6 partenaires techniques, 4 jeunes ont également été formé à la plongée sous marine  et à la mission pour renforcer l’équipe. 

Couzoupa un site protégé dans le lagon sud de Rodrigues subi une pression anthropique conséquente par son utilisation pour le snorkelling (palmes masque tuba) par un nombre croissant d’opérateurs. Bluer Ocean Project propose pour diminuer la pression sur ce site de recréer grâce à la propagation corallienne un nouveau site d’intérêt pour la randonné et la découverte aquatique. 

Bluer Ocean Project a également l’intention d’intensifier son action de restoration corallienne sur un site de plongée sous marine du nord de l’ile afin augmenter la concentration de biodiversité associée au déploiement de nos nurserie (frames).

En parallèle Bluer Ocean Project continuera de former des jeunes à la plongée sous marine et la restoration corallienne afin de faire perdurer notre action et, on l’espère, créer des vocations.

Comme par le passé vous pouvez nous aider en faisant des donation ou en adoptant des coraux.

N’hésitez pas à visiter notre site internet et à nous suivre sur Instagram et facebook bluer_ocean_project.


Bluer Ocean Project, after a year and a half of existence, proposes for 2023 to continue its effort of coral propagation and awareness on the marine environment. 

To date 51 frames and more than 3600 nubbins have been transplanted thanks to 44 donors and sponsors and 6 technical partners, 4 young people have also been trained in scuba diving to carry on with our mission and strengthen the team.

Couzoupa, a protected site in the southern lagoon of Rodrigues, is under significant anthropogenic pressure due to its use for snorkelling by a growing number of operators. Bluer Ocean Project proposes to reduce the pressure on this site by creating, using coral propagation, a new site of interest for aquatic discovery.

Bluer Ocean Project also intends to intensify its coral restoration action on a scuba diving site in the north of the island in order to increase the biodiversity concentration associated with our nurseries (frames) deployment.

At the same time, Bluer Ocean Project will continue to train young people in scuba diving and coral restoration in order to sustain our action and, we hope, create vocations.

As in the past you can help us by making donations or by adopting corals.

Feel free to visit our website and to follow us on Instagram and Facebook bluer_ocean_project.




Latest Update


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  1. VADF
    Pour la famille Acou de Froberville

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. DH
    for/ from John Glett

    Comment by

    Posted on

  3. MP
    Bravo, une superbe initiative ! Si vous avez besoin de plongeurs, je me porte volontaire

    Comment by

    Posted on

  4. VDR
    Hello Jerome and Marine,

    We have taken a bit of time before coming back to you. Here is a donation of Rs22,000 from Brabant and all its customers to support the replantation of corals in Rodrigues and later maybe around the world.

    We will try to make a campaign about our implication in this project through our social media pages and share the word as much as possible to sensibilise to coral bleaching and to support your project.

    We hope it will have a positive impact on individuals and on bigger companies, I know that already after speaking to Mourouk management that they are thinking of also giving a little percentage to your project through their booking.

    On another trip to Rodrigues, we would love to participate to some of your operations on the frames and all...

    See you soon,


    Comment by

    Posted on

  5. JG
    Frame pour l'anniversaire a Claudine - 08.Aout

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    Posted on