Let's contribute to help feed the strays- CrowdFunding

Let's contribute to help feed the strays

By : Dr. Rashila Ramchurn
Created on: 19 Sep, 2023
Rs 1,296 Raised

Hello Mauritians,

lets bring a change for the welfare of hungry stray dogs by joining together. I am Dr. Rashila Ramchurn Dr and researcher in anthropology. 

You can view my article on defi media on feeding of strays where 18k public viewed it on social media;https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=6424602054259890&extid=WA-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=2Rb1fB&ref=sharing

I believe in the motto live and let live. I militate from the last 10 years to save lives of stray dogs, feed them daily, sterilise those i feed, treat the sick ones on time to save their lives.

I do it on humanitarian ground. I did successful crowd fundings in the past and it benefitted many strays get food, shelter and medicines. Feeding has become costly because of inflation; I feed 350 strays daily, I also put Rs,1000 fuel daily to travel 4hrs in my car from khoyratty to Pont praslin so that the food reach these strays.

Feeding must continue. Many stray dogs are suffering from starvation. I am doing short term crowd funding to be able to buy food for them and enable these strays eat a meal daily. Please collaborate and lets save them from starvation. Thank you.

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  • Anonymous

    USD 20 Donation
    04 Oct, 2023
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    22 Sep, 2023


Hello Mauritians,

lets bring a change for the welfare of hungry stray dogs by joining together. I am Dr. Rashila Ramchurn Dr and researcher in anthropology. 

You can view my article on defi media on feeding of strays where 18k public viewed it on social media;https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=6424602054259890&extid=WA-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=2Rb1fB&ref=sharing

I believe in the motto live and let live. I militate from the last 10 years to save lives of stray dogs, feed them daily, sterilise those i feed, treat the sick ones on time to save their lives.

I do it on humanitarian ground. I did successful crowd fundings in the past and it benefitted many strays get food, shelter and medicines. Feeding has become costly because of inflation; I feed 350 strays daily, I also put Rs,1000 fuel daily to travel 4hrs in my car from khoyratty to Pont praslin so that the food reach these strays.

Feeding must continue. Many stray dogs are suffering from starvation. I am doing short term crowd funding to be able to buy food for them and enable these strays eat a meal daily. Please collaborate and lets save them from starvation. Thank you.


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