Success Story 1

25th Oct 2020 - Nature is Art Event - Bambous Virieux - Underprivileged Children

Held in Bambous Virieux on the 25th of October 2020, this fundraiser was created by Artrakk, a passionate group of musicians and artists volunteers based in Baie du Tombeau, in order to organize an event for 45 to 50 children, aged between 9-15yrs old and called Nature is Art. The activities that were organized for the children included Music, Art and Craft workshops, Guided trek through the woods, tree planting and many more.

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Success Story 2

65th Anniversary of St Mary's College (Rose-Hill)

For its 65th anniversary occasion, the St Mary’s College created a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds and support the following internal activities: A Theatre & Musical show, an Exhibition, the refurbishment of the school’s statues and other minor costs. was a solution for the school to organize its yearly fundraiser online as this activity, normally taking place through a fair, was impacted by the covid-19 pandemic.

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Success Story 3

Unravel – An Art Exhibition on domestic violence

Unravel is an artistic contemporary short-film that explores the journey of a woman healing from a traumatic experience. The project conveys a powerful and uplifting message that empowers women to voice out, come together as a sisterhood, form a circle of trust and support, and heal from the trauma of domestic violence. The project was launched to cover costs affiliated to the production of the short film and the art exhibition. Unravel was an art exhibition with accompanying dialogue and discussion. The first exhibition took place on the 19th of September 2020 and was opened to the public for two weeks at La Gallerie du Genie Port Louis

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