Formation en Ecoconstruction- CrowdFunding

Formation en Ecoconstruction

By : Karl Ahnee
Created on: 16 Jun, 2024
Rs 148,200 Raised
Select a Reward
Rs 2,000.00
Get Rs. 2,000 off your future wood-fired cob oven project, estimated at Rs. 30,000 all inclusive*. This versatile oven can be used for baking pizzas, breads, and other delicious oven-cooked dishes. *Photos are non-contractual, and the cost is estimated. The final cost may vary depending on various production/implementation costs...Read more
Rs 5,000.00
Get Rs. 5,000 off your future wood-fired cob oven project, estimated at Rs. 30,000 all inclusive*. This versatile oven can be used for baking pizzas, breads, and other delicious oven-cooked dishes. *Photos are non-contractual, and the cost is estimated. The final cost may vary depending on various production/implementation costs...Read more
Rs 10,000.00
Get Rs. 10,000 off your future wood-fired cob oven project, estimated at Rs. 30,000 all inclusive*. This versatile oven can be used for baking pizzas, breads, and other delicious oven-cooked dishes. *Photos are non-contractual, and the cost is estimated. The final cost may vary depending on various production/implementation costs ...Read more
Rs 15,000.00
Get Rs. 15,000 off your future wood-fired cob oven project, estimated at Rs. 30,000 all inclusive*. This versatile oven can be used for baking pizzas, breads, and other delicious oven-cooked dishes. *Photos are non-contractual, and the cost is estimated. The final cost may vary depending on various production/implementation costs...Read more
Rs 20,000.00
Get Rs. 20,000 off your future wood-fired cob oven project, estimated at Rs. 30,000 all inclusive*. This versatile oven can be used for baking pizzas, breads, and other delicious oven-cooked dishes. *Photos are non-contractual, and the cost is estimated. The final cost may vary depending on various production/implementation costs...Read more

GOOD NEWS!!! The crowdfund has evolved into a reward-based project, and I'm committed to taking it to the next level with you.

Do you dream of having a rustic, eco-built cooking space in your garden for future barbecues, pizza nights, and homemade breads?

Your donations can help make this exciting project a reality. Ahead of your project, a quote is prepared, and your donation amount will be deducted from the final cost of the personalized project.

Every donation of Rs. 2,000 and above will serve as a deposit towards the total project cost.

Funding Proposal for Cob House Eco-Building Training

INSTRUCTORS: Claudine Desiree & VIVA HANSEN - CruzinCobGlobal


Description of Eco-Building and Cob House

Eco-building is an approach to construction that aims to minimize the environmental
impact of buildings. It is based on the use of sustainable materials, environmentally friendly construction techniques, and bioclimatic design.

Cob House is a traditional construction technique that uses a mixture of earth, sand, and straw to create strong and insulating walls. This technique is simple to implement and does not require special tools or materials. It is also environmentally friendly, as it uses local materials, it does not produce waste and is also one of the most affordable types of building material.

Cob wall structures, due to their width, lend themselves to having load bearing walls, however, a wood or concrete ‘ring beam’ is recommended to support the roof structure.


  • High thermal mass is very energy efficient in both summer and winter, and ideal for passive solar heating and cooling. Indoor temperatures vary only about 5 degrees Celsius between summer and winter (17-22 degrees Celsius), making it naturally cool in summer and warm in winter.
  • Environmentally friendly: Low carbon footprint and embodied energy.
  • Relatively easy to build for owner builders and unskilled labor.
  • Lends itself to free-form walls
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Cob buildings are capable of withstanding seismic activity, but must have a ring beam
  • Fireproof
  • Can easily be built up to 3 storeys
  • Cob can easily be recycled.

Who am I and what are my motivations for taking a cob house training course?

My name is Karl Ahnee. I am a Mauritian artist and photographer, with 15 years of
experience and since 2017, I've started personal research on ecology, agriculture, and conservation, driven by a passion for environmental sustainability. Aiming to reorient my professional activities towards these fields, I am currently taking online courses, such as:

  • A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration" from Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
  • Google Project Management certification

Through this training, my objective is to leverage the acquired knowledge and exchange of experiences to reinforce and disseminate expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius.
The training will introduce to everything I need to learn to build a Cob Building from foundation to roof, including electricity (housing & outlet/switch boxes not wiring), plumbing prep, plaster, floor and artistic elements.
The Global C.O.B. Team (Community of Biobuilders) consists of trained cob builders of all nationalities, ages, specialties and in all areas of the world, ready to teach a workshop or lead a project. In support of more earthen construction replacing concrete on the Planet and increasing awareness and experience of natural building everywhere, especially in the non-Western countries where the awareness and need is greater for well-built earthen housing.

Claudine Désirée - Master Cobber/Cob Instructor

Born and raised in NYC, Claudine carried her Manhattan/European roots to California and beyond. She studied Geography, International Relations/Development and International Environmental Policy in the academic world in California, France, and Switzerland. She has 20+ years of experience in ecoconstruction and has been leading workshops on the subject in the US, in South America, Europe and Africa.

CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) vision:

First, CCG seeks to expand the global awareness, understanding and practical experience of Earthen “Cob” Construction as a safe, healthy, ecological, economical, strong and durable building technique everywhere on the Planet.
Secondly CCG seeks to contribute to the reduction in concrete-based construction and cement production thereby increasing the well-being of all life and the biosphere. CCG’s mission is to collaborate with individuals and communities around the planet in organizing and holding Cob Building workshops in which they lead an international/intercultural group of 10-15 students in the construction of all (foundation, walls and roof) or part (just walls) of a small structure (10-15m2 or 110-165ft2) in a period of 10-28 days. CruzinCobGlobal is on a planetary mission to teach cob building, as it is practiced in California and Europe. CCG leads workshops for local and international students who learn and build together, not only a beautiful ecological structure, but intercultural communication and understanding. It is a multi-faceted opportunity to learn cob building, a language, a culture and community living.
After 7 years of teaching in the US, CCG is proud to have launched the international model, CruzinCobGlobal in 2015, and has already taught 12 workshops in: Spain, the Canaries, Senegal, Cabo Verde, France, Morocco and Santa Cruz, CA since starting in March of 2015. In the Spring and Summer of 2017 hold workshops in Cabo Verde, the Azores and Portugal.


Detailed workshop description & schedule

Cob Outdoor Kitchen with Oven, Rocket Cooktop & Reciprocal Roof in the Azores Islands (São Miguel)

Participants in this workshop will learn:

  1. The ins and outs of earth-based building, including cob, wattle and daub & earthen plasters
  2. How to design and install a reciprocal frame roof structure
  3. All about rocket stove technology: history, design, principles of combustion, fuel selection, best practices, and how to integrate one into other cooking systems such as the Lorena stove
  4. How to design, build, and operate a clay-based oven
  5. A general approach towards designing an outdoor kitchen, including space optimization and efficiently locating appliances

The cob construction used for our case study will be a clay-based outdoor kitchen, covered by beautiful reciprocal roof structure (self-supporting roof construction). The kitchen will include a wood-fired cob oven (masonry oven). In weeks 2 & 3 we will start with building various dimensions of interconnected lava stone foundations to support our Cob Oven, Rocket Stove Cooktop, and Counter/Work Table and Shelving and then begin making cob as the students learn the technical building of an Oven and Rocket Stove & Cooktop. In week 4 the work is completed when the students learn about earthen plasters and how to apply them. Most materials will be local to the island, except the refractory bricks and possibly one straw bale. This workshop is designed as a crash course to familiarize participants with the global skills for building an outdoor kitchen. A lot of material will be covered and a lot of different tasks and processes will be happening simultaneously. Theoretical discussions and lectures will help contextualize the work we will be doing.

4-Week Schedule:

  • Week 1: Reciprocal roof
  • Week 2: Foundations and drainage, Cob, Rocket Stove Core, and plumbing prep
  • Week 3: Oven and Lorena stove, install cabinet, shelving, storage and prep surfaces, and begin plaster prep
  • Week 4: Finish plaster prep, plaster

Course Details:
September 15th to October 13th, 2024 (4 weeks)
Tuition, Camping, Snack & Meals: 1,750 €
200 € off working 1 hour/day with Host or Instructor prep. Overall formation costs (all included): 1, 550 €

All traveling fees: 1,600 €
Approx: 160,000 MUR


Socio-economic landscape:

Women and children are the most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. Leveraging and disseminating the expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius, will provide the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in serving their communities.

Having decent and affordable homes are in many ways the stepping stones of neighborhood revitalization. This is a long-term, holistic strategy that supports residents to improve the quality of life in under-resourced communities.

According to Non-profit Organization Habitat for Humanity International, helping future
homeowners build their own homes alongside volunteers, enables them to achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families. Ensuring that access to adequate housing is prioritized, leads to greater climate justice, gender equality and political inclusion.

all pictures used to illustrate this description are the property of CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) and are available on their website. 

There is no any document attached.

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  1. SH
    Bour li!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. MN
    Good luck and enjoy the learning and experience

    Comment by

    Posted on

  3. GR
    Bon courage pour ton projet man

    Comment by

    Posted on

  4. OS
    Go for it!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  5. AS
    Great initiative!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  6. JML
    Super idée ! Bon succès !

    Comment by

    Posted on

  7. RDS
    Merci pour cette démarche!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  8. LT
    Good luck. Let me know if I can help in Amy way

    Comment by

    Posted on

  9. AF
    ALLEEEER LA GO GO GO GO pour une île plus respectueuse de son environnement

    Comment by

    Posted on

  10. PO
    Bravo pour cette initiative Karl

    Comment by

    Posted on

  11. DV
    Manz are li Karl

    Comment by

    Posted on

  12. ST
    From Marie Claude and Stephanie

    Comment by

    Posted on

  13. CL
    Good luck

    Comment by

    Posted on

  14. SM
    Super Karl, good luck!!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  15. AV

    Comment by

    Posted on

  16. MC
    Hats off!! Gooooo!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  • Stéphane Huët

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    01 Sep, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    02 Aug, 2024
  • Olivia Adam

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    29 Jul, 2024
  • Chris Rainer

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    28 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    26 Jul, 2024
  • Mervin Narrainen

    MUR 3,000 Donation
    25 Jul, 2024
  • Anthony Bouic

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    25 Jul, 2024
  • Philippe la Hausse

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    23 Jul, 2024
  • Xavier Koenig

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    23 Jul, 2024
  • Emmanuel Scott

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    22 Jul, 2024
  • Rachel de Speville

    MUR 500 Donation
    22 Jul, 2024
  • Alix Le Juge

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    22 Jul, 2024
  • Rémi Sauzier

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    19 Jul, 2024
  • Gerard Bouic

    MUR 2,500 Donation
    19 Jul, 2024
  • Gautam Rughoonauth

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 10,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Olesya Sakovich-Ahnee

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Fayolle Vanessa

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Abhijeet Sibartie

    MUR 500 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Jean Marie LECLEZIO

    MUR 1,385 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • J R

    MUR 700 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Caroline Le Guen

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Rachel De Spéville

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    17 Jul, 2024
  • Kan Chan Kin

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    16 Jul, 2024
  • Louis Thompson

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    15 Jul, 2024
  • Aurelie Fleuriau-Chateau

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    15 Jul, 2024
  • Paul OLSEN

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    15 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,500 Donation
    14 Jul, 2024
  • Dimitri Vaulbert

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    12 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,200 Donation
    11 Jul, 2024
  • Elisa Piat

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    11 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    11 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 22 Donation
    08 Jul, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    06 Jul, 2024
  • Claude la hausse

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    03 Jul, 2024
  • emi zibo

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    28 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 10,000 Donation
    28 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 500 Donation
    28 Jun, 2024
  • Stephanie Tranquille

    USD 35 Donation
    26 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 20,000 Donation
    26 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    26 Jun, 2024
  • Anonymous

    MUR 10,000 Donation
    24 Jun, 2024
  • Astrid Koenig

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    24 Jun, 2024
  • Christophe Liu

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    25 Jun, 2024
  • Ingrid Letimier

    MUR 2,000 Donation
    25 Jun, 2024
  • Jean-Alain Francis

    MUR 5,000 Donation
    24 Jun, 2024
  • Sandra Mussard

    MUR 800 Donation
    24 Jun, 2024
  • Anushka Virahsawmy

    MUR 500 Donation
    23 Jun, 2024
  • Mathieu Caroline

    MUR 1,000 Donation
    23 Jun, 2024


GOOD NEWS!!! The crowdfund has evolved into a reward-based project, and I'm committed to taking it to the next level with you.

Do you dream of having a rustic, eco-built cooking space in your garden for future barbecues, pizza nights, and homemade breads?

Your donations can help make this exciting project a reality. Ahead of your project, a quote is prepared, and your donation amount will be deducted from the final cost of the personalized project.

Every donation of Rs. 2,000 and above will serve as a deposit towards the total project cost.

Funding Proposal for Cob House Eco-Building Training

INSTRUCTORS: Claudine Desiree & VIVA HANSEN - CruzinCobGlobal


Description of Eco-Building and Cob House

Eco-building is an approach to construction that aims to minimize the environmental
impact of buildings. It is based on the use of sustainable materials, environmentally friendly construction techniques, and bioclimatic design.

Cob House is a traditional construction technique that uses a mixture of earth, sand, and straw to create strong and insulating walls. This technique is simple to implement and does not require special tools or materials. It is also environmentally friendly, as it uses local materials, it does not produce waste and is also one of the most affordable types of building material.

Cob wall structures, due to their width, lend themselves to having load bearing walls, however, a wood or concrete ‘ring beam’ is recommended to support the roof structure.


  • High thermal mass is very energy efficient in both summer and winter, and ideal for passive solar heating and cooling. Indoor temperatures vary only about 5 degrees Celsius between summer and winter (17-22 degrees Celsius), making it naturally cool in summer and warm in winter.
  • Environmentally friendly: Low carbon footprint and embodied energy.
  • Relatively easy to build for owner builders and unskilled labor.
  • Lends itself to free-form walls
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Cob buildings are capable of withstanding seismic activity, but must have a ring beam
  • Fireproof
  • Can easily be built up to 3 storeys
  • Cob can easily be recycled.

Who am I and what are my motivations for taking a cob house training course?

My name is Karl Ahnee. I am a Mauritian artist and photographer, with 15 years of
experience and since 2017, I've started personal research on ecology, agriculture, and conservation, driven by a passion for environmental sustainability. Aiming to reorient my professional activities towards these fields, I am currently taking online courses, such as:

  • A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration" from Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
  • Google Project Management certification

Through this training, my objective is to leverage the acquired knowledge and exchange of experiences to reinforce and disseminate expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius.
The training will introduce to everything I need to learn to build a Cob Building from foundation to roof, including electricity (housing & outlet/switch boxes not wiring), plumbing prep, plaster, floor and artistic elements.
The Global C.O.B. Team (Community of Biobuilders) consists of trained cob builders of all nationalities, ages, specialties and in all areas of the world, ready to teach a workshop or lead a project. In support of more earthen construction replacing concrete on the Planet and increasing awareness and experience of natural building everywhere, especially in the non-Western countries where the awareness and need is greater for well-built earthen housing.

Claudine Désirée - Master Cobber/Cob Instructor

Born and raised in NYC, Claudine carried her Manhattan/European roots to California and beyond. She studied Geography, International Relations/Development and International Environmental Policy in the academic world in California, France, and Switzerland. She has 20+ years of experience in ecoconstruction and has been leading workshops on the subject in the US, in South America, Europe and Africa.

CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) vision:

First, CCG seeks to expand the global awareness, understanding and practical experience of Earthen “Cob” Construction as a safe, healthy, ecological, economical, strong and durable building technique everywhere on the Planet.
Secondly CCG seeks to contribute to the reduction in concrete-based construction and cement production thereby increasing the well-being of all life and the biosphere. CCG’s mission is to collaborate with individuals and communities around the planet in organizing and holding Cob Building workshops in which they lead an international/intercultural group of 10-15 students in the construction of all (foundation, walls and roof) or part (just walls) of a small structure (10-15m2 or 110-165ft2) in a period of 10-28 days. CruzinCobGlobal is on a planetary mission to teach cob building, as it is practiced in California and Europe. CCG leads workshops for local and international students who learn and build together, not only a beautiful ecological structure, but intercultural communication and understanding. It is a multi-faceted opportunity to learn cob building, a language, a culture and community living.
After 7 years of teaching in the US, CCG is proud to have launched the international model, CruzinCobGlobal in 2015, and has already taught 12 workshops in: Spain, the Canaries, Senegal, Cabo Verde, France, Morocco and Santa Cruz, CA since starting in March of 2015. In the Spring and Summer of 2017 hold workshops in Cabo Verde, the Azores and Portugal.


Detailed workshop description & schedule

Cob Outdoor Kitchen with Oven, Rocket Cooktop & Reciprocal Roof in the Azores Islands (São Miguel)

Participants in this workshop will learn:

  1. The ins and outs of earth-based building, including cob, wattle and daub & earthen plasters
  2. How to design and install a reciprocal frame roof structure
  3. All about rocket stove technology: history, design, principles of combustion, fuel selection, best practices, and how to integrate one into other cooking systems such as the Lorena stove
  4. How to design, build, and operate a clay-based oven
  5. A general approach towards designing an outdoor kitchen, including space optimization and efficiently locating appliances

The cob construction used for our case study will be a clay-based outdoor kitchen, covered by beautiful reciprocal roof structure (self-supporting roof construction). The kitchen will include a wood-fired cob oven (masonry oven). In weeks 2 & 3 we will start with building various dimensions of interconnected lava stone foundations to support our Cob Oven, Rocket Stove Cooktop, and Counter/Work Table and Shelving and then begin making cob as the students learn the technical building of an Oven and Rocket Stove & Cooktop. In week 4 the work is completed when the students learn about earthen plasters and how to apply them. Most materials will be local to the island, except the refractory bricks and possibly one straw bale. This workshop is designed as a crash course to familiarize participants with the global skills for building an outdoor kitchen. A lot of material will be covered and a lot of different tasks and processes will be happening simultaneously. Theoretical discussions and lectures will help contextualize the work we will be doing.

4-Week Schedule:

  • Week 1: Reciprocal roof
  • Week 2: Foundations and drainage, Cob, Rocket Stove Core, and plumbing prep
  • Week 3: Oven and Lorena stove, install cabinet, shelving, storage and prep surfaces, and begin plaster prep
  • Week 4: Finish plaster prep, plaster

Course Details:
September 15th to October 13th, 2024 (4 weeks)
Tuition, Camping, Snack & Meals: 1,750 €
200 € off working 1 hour/day with Host or Instructor prep. Overall formation costs (all included): 1, 550 €

All traveling fees: 1,600 €
Approx: 160,000 MUR


Socio-economic landscape:

Women and children are the most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. Leveraging and disseminating the expertise in the field of eco-construction in Mauritius, will provide the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in serving their communities.

Having decent and affordable homes are in many ways the stepping stones of neighborhood revitalization. This is a long-term, holistic strategy that supports residents to improve the quality of life in under-resourced communities.

According to Non-profit Organization Habitat for Humanity International, helping future
homeowners build their own homes alongside volunteers, enables them to achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families. Ensuring that access to adequate housing is prioritized, leads to greater climate justice, gender equality and political inclusion.

all pictures used to illustrate this description are the property of CruzinCobGlobal (CCG) and are available on their website. 


There is no any document attached.


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  1. SH
    Bour li!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  2. MN
    Good luck and enjoy the learning and experience

    Comment by

    Posted on

  3. GR
    Bon courage pour ton projet man

    Comment by

    Posted on

  4. OS
    Go for it!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  5. AS
    Great initiative!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  6. JML
    Super idée ! Bon succès !

    Comment by

    Posted on

  7. RDS
    Merci pour cette démarche!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  8. LT
    Good luck. Let me know if I can help in Amy way

    Comment by

    Posted on

  9. AF
    ALLEEEER LA GO GO GO GO pour une île plus respectueuse de son environnement

    Comment by

    Posted on

  10. PO
    Bravo pour cette initiative Karl

    Comment by

    Posted on

  11. DV
    Manz are li Karl

    Comment by

    Posted on

  12. ST
    From Marie Claude and Stephanie

    Comment by

    Posted on

  13. CL
    Good luck

    Comment by

    Posted on

  14. SM
    Super Karl, good luck!!

    Comment by

    Posted on

  15. AV

    Comment by

    Posted on

  16. MC
    Hats off!! Gooooo!

    Comment by

    Posted on