How It Works
How does it work?
Find out information about the 3 types of crowdfunding that our platform offers:
Donation based, Reward Based and Group Gift.
Donation Based
How does it work?
The donation-based project will allow you to create a fundraising campaign to collect funds for a cause or a project. Different types of project can be created in that mode: Emergency & Disaster, Education, Art, Environment protection, Sports …etc. What you’ll need to prepare is a precise description about the project and select proper illustration (pictures + video) to post a promising and convincing campaign.
This option allows you to raise funds without offering a reward. However, you’ll be responsible to achieve what you’ve promised to do in your project.
For what kind of projects?
For education, sports, social, entrepreneur, environment, medical care, disasters, construction, renovation …
How to do it?
Prepare a genuine and complete description about the aim of your project.
Mention every important aspects of your project and be transparent.
Project Example

Reward Based
How does it work?
A reward-based campaign is a crowdfunding campaign that will allow you to give rewards to your supporters in exchange of their financial support. The rewards proposed shall be related to your project and the pricing of these rewards need to fit to different budgets to obtain support from a large number of people. You will have 3 months to reach your financial objective. To cash-out the funds collected, you will need to fulfill the deliveries of the rewards to your supporters.
For what kind of projects?
For Entrepreneurs, SMEs or Individuals able to propose rewards related to their projects.
What type of rewards can you propose?
Offer products or services that are related to your project. Propose rewards of different value to cover different budgets. Examples of rewards could be places to your show, products from your farm, food
How to do it?
Be creative but not too much. Select rewards that are easy for you to deliver and still attractive for the supporters. Select rewards that are “one size fits all” or propose different rewards to attract a maximum of supporters. Fulfill the delivery of your rewards ON TIME and stick to the dates that you select. Communicate about the evolution of your project with your supporters and give them feedback about how their funds are being used.
Project Example

Group Gifting
How does it work?
Create a group gift for any occasion and invite your friends or any related person to contribute to the group gift. Set a financial objective or let people contribute freely. You can personalize the pot with pictures, a video and a description. Contributors will be able to leave personal messages when making their contribution.
For what kind of occasion?
For a Birthday, Wedding, Farewell, Baby Shower, Housewarming, Holiday, Party, Religious Celebration or any other special occasion.
How to do it?
Select a name, a picture and a message or description for your group gift and send it to the contributors using their email addresses or via any messaging aps. Contributors will be able to select their preferred contribution method; MCB Juice, Internet Banking or Credit Card.
Project Example