Save a Cow from being slaughted- CrowdFunding

Save a Cow from being slaughted

By : Krishna Murli Das
Created on: 17 May, 2021
Rs 0 Raised

Hi everyone, my name is Krishna Murli and am a Mauritian Resident launching this project of cow protection to be able to save a maximum cows from being slaughted, and to give other peoples and animal lovers the opportunity to save and serve a cow... 

Lord Krishna is the well-wisher and protector of the Cows. His other name is Govinda, which means One Who gives pleasure to Cows and senses. Vedic times consider cow as one of the seven mothers of the humanity. She provides nutritious milk, which is very important food for human beings right from young days. Milk and milk products are most important food ingredients for humanity, hence it is very important to protect them. And bulls are very important for agriculture, Lord Balaram is considered Lord of agriculturist, He carries a plough, because of which He is called Haladhara. With the bulls we plow the land, hence they are like the father who produces food and cow is like the mother producing milk. The manure from them, is very important for agriculture, hence any civilized human being should be protecting these animals.

Protection of Cows is the single-most important principle towards saving the whole world from both moral and spiritual degradation. Simply by protection of Cows all the wonderful benefits of religiosity and piety will be automatically achieved without any separate endeavour. In scriptures it is said, namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca jagad-dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah, “My Lord, You are the well-wisher of the Cows and the brahmanas, and You are the well-wisher of the entire human society and world.” (Visnu Purana 1.19.65) Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the Cow. Without knowing and respecting these pleasing personalities, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful. SB 4.21.38 purport

Lets put our hands together to save a life from being slaughted....

for the time being i have 3 Cows to save by the end of this month, lets make it happens, and the cow will be have a free life at Gopal dham, you can find us at Cow Protection - Mauritius on Facebook... 

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Hi everyone, my name is Krishna Murli and am a Mauritian Resident launching this project of cow protection to be able to save a maximum cows from being slaughted, and to give other peoples and animal lovers the opportunity to save and serve a cow... 

Lord Krishna is the well-wisher and protector of the Cows. His other name is Govinda, which means One Who gives pleasure to Cows and senses. Vedic times consider cow as one of the seven mothers of the humanity. She provides nutritious milk, which is very important food for human beings right from young days. Milk and milk products are most important food ingredients for humanity, hence it is very important to protect them. And bulls are very important for agriculture, Lord Balaram is considered Lord of agriculturist, He carries a plough, because of which He is called Haladhara. With the bulls we plow the land, hence they are like the father who produces food and cow is like the mother producing milk. The manure from them, is very important for agriculture, hence any civilized human being should be protecting these animals.

Protection of Cows is the single-most important principle towards saving the whole world from both moral and spiritual degradation. Simply by protection of Cows all the wonderful benefits of religiosity and piety will be automatically achieved without any separate endeavour. In scriptures it is said, namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca jagad-dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah, “My Lord, You are the well-wisher of the Cows and the brahmanas, and You are the well-wisher of the entire human society and world.” (Visnu Purana 1.19.65) Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the Cow. Without knowing and respecting these pleasing personalities, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful. SB 4.21.38 purport

Lets put our hands together to save a life from being slaughted....

for the time being i have 3 Cows to save by the end of this month, lets make it happens, and the cow will be have a free life at Gopal dham, you can find us at Cow Protection - Mauritius on Facebook... 



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