Success Story 1

Expansion and diversification of a BIO community garden and farm at La Caze Lespwar, Caritas Solitude.

La Caze Lespwar, a project of Caritas Solitude, exists since 2010. It is a community development project. The main objective is to develop holistic services to respond to the need of the community in order to alleviate poverty and to reinsert and integrate inhabitants of Solitude and surrounding region. Through the Center, 300 families received help to develop their skills through appropriate training done by professionals. Developing agriculture, developing an orchard and developing farming has been done by Caritas Solitude together with the beneficiaries since they launched the project.

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Success Story 2

Ferme Communautaire de St ROC, mobilisation citoyenne en faveur de l’autosuffisance alimentaire.

The Resilient Organic Community (ROC) project offers solutions to the question of the economic crisis and our food self-sufficiency through a community farm that will allow citizens of the region to participate in food resilience and an online platform for networking Mauritian organic agricultural stakeholders and citizens. Supporting this project allowed the community of Blue Bay / Mahébourg to invest in an activity that allowed them to have an income, acquire new skills and have access to fresh and organic products.

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